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Listy z nr. 38/2018

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Dear Mrs. Bonnie Crombie, Mayor,

“Happy are those whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.
--Psalm 32:1

My Lord, this world continues to have an obsession with whatever can make us happy, Ads proclaim that we can’t be happy without this product or that service, and so we add to the long list of things that may please us for a while, but can’t deliver true happiness. Forgive our fruitless chasing after happiness, Lord, for we know that it can only exist in relationship with you. Until we know you and seek your forgiveness, we really can’t know happiness. But with you, we are full of joy!”

I would like to introduce you one of the most important problems for the residents of the city of Mississauga; Improper spending of taxpayers’ money.
Brickyard Park, 3061 Clayhill Road

Fig.1. Figure 1. Baseball pitch - no players, light is “ON” Fig. 2 & 3. Baseball pitch during the day, full of goose players? Figure 4. Empty pitch - no players

Can you be funding it?

In my opinion, in this example, there is a total lack of respect for work and especially for government work. I remember how it looked like planting young trees in the bush. Thirty-six (36) trees were planted by the students. These trees have never been watered after planting. The question arises, where was the park manager? (See Picture). One of the students participating in planting this trees after three years from this event asked me, what happened to these trees? I answered him, for lack of water they died.

Mr. manager is a shame for you. Did you receive a financial reward for this wasted student work? The goal would be very good, in the future, an adult tree would protect corporations against strong winds.

Electricity losses at Brickyard Park at (Baseball Field)

Financial losses calculation:

There are 45 lamps on 16 lighting posts. Each lamp draws 500 Watts electric energy. These lamps, two days a week, shine unnecessarily (See attached Figure 1 & 4) for 4 hours a day. Calculation of losses in one evening: 45 x 500 Watt / per fixture = 22.5 kW x .7C / 1kWh = $ 63 / h.; 4h x $ 63 = $ 252 / per one evening. One month (8 days) x 4h / per night, the loss is = 32 h x 63 $ / h = $ 2,016;

Subtotal financial losses for the full summer season (Apr.15 to Oct 15) is = $ 12,096 (twelve thousand and ninety dollars). Total loss for 5 years is $60,480
These are financial losses only from one park, and there are many more parks in the city of Mississauga, which have lighting of playing fields.


Dear Karen,

I, Janusz Nowakowski, on behalf of 179 homeowners from the condo company in 3030 Breakwater Court and as a board member from # 737 Condo Corporation, we ask the city of Mississauga, can we also plant trees in the adjacent park? My question is justified; our condominium and Brickyard Park are located on a rocky subsoil. In some places, this rocky ground is not friendly for any vegetation of bushes and trees. Trees like “Maple” need a large soil layer. Our goal is that these trees should cover the south-western part of our estate before the wind. We suggest planting trees 3 -5 m from the aluminum fence separating the Condominium from the Park. Karen, I am asking for an urgent answer.

Because on September 22, 2018, as Poles, we intend to plant 100 trees for the 100th anniversary of independence of Poland, I pose the following question: Is the designated place and the thickness of the ground for these trees appropriate?

Janusz John Nowakowski is an electrical research engineer with a total of 47 years of professional experience. Prior to working in Canada, he was working over 15 years as an assistant to Professor at the Institute of Power Engineering – Research Institute in Warsaw, Poland. He is currently a president of CEEC Electrical Services and Research Institute Inc. He is over 30 years the member professional bodies for electrical engineers include the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Institution of Engineering and Technology World wide and European Institute of Power. He is also a member of EMF scientist organization.

Andrzej Kumor

Widziane od końca.

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